
Raising little Westies, and life as parent of a special needs son

Course: dead ahead

My return to Canberra was a little abrupt. Well, sure, it was a long time coming, but then it was “so, you start tomorrow, OK?”

This is a very interesting way to live a life, especially with one confirmed Autistic and one suspected “quirky” child. Or maybe that’s two quirky children? Or something. News for another blog, really.

I’m rambling… There was a theme here, somewhere!

Oh yeah. Progress. We are making it.

The plan for this year is all about being prepared, and aiming for improvement.

With my job taking me away from home again, I get to look at BTB Fan with the eyes of both an insider, and a frequent visitor. I’m noticing more and more, that he is picking up means if expressing his personality, and his thoughts or wishes. His teachers report continued progress in academia, however this can be difficult to observe outside of school – until he says or does something I hadn’t expected based on him having to have read or calculated something far more complex than I expect of him. Teachers of Autistics should ensure communication in three directions: to the Autistic child, the parents of the child, and to school management.

So the idea then is to stop having such low expectations. He can achieve more than I give him credit for. Parents of Autistics should provide opportunity to their children, then encourage those children to tackle that opportunity head on.

On the family front, I have been investigating the local property market. This is a little difficult given my absence from the scene five days a week, and the fact that buying and selling is better suited to people far more extroverted than myself. I have finally made some inroads though and have decided: it does not have to be ideal, it has to be sufficient. With that in mind, I have a busy weekend coming in six days time.

One response to “Course: dead ahead

  1. Suse March 25, 2013 at 3:22 pm

    My 14yo continually surprises me with what he achieves, and how he manages himself. I had to take him for a catch up immunisation that he missed at school – and he knew exactly what he had to do to get through it. No interaction with the nurse at all though lol – just as well mum was there.
    All the best with your changes and uncertainties.

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